Empires & Allies Wiki

Goal civic adviserClear Fairgrounds

GoalX-2 CopterAn enemy army is using the fairgrounds as a staging area.

Our party planning committee was attacked when they approached the fairgrounds. What kind of monster attacks a party planning committee?

Goals Rewards
Goal target army Destroy 25 Enemy Army Units Complete All 3 Goals
Goal target navy Inflict 1200 Damage to Enemy Naval Units Complete All 3 Goals
Goal target airforce Destroy 25 Enemy Air Units 00000000000000000500.

Coins-icon 500 Coins
1x Upgrade Blueprint Upgrade Blueprint
1x Poison Gas I Poison Gas I

Re-play old battles to complete quest requirements.

Goal Line

Whack to the Future 1 of 3
Whack to the Future 3 of 3