Empires & Allies Wiki

Goal Tire Factory "Military Decorations"

Goal Tire Factory Decoration Declaration

Check out the Decorations Tab in the Build Menu. Use Military Decorations near Military Structures to receive discounts when building units.

While cleaning up Mac's apartment, I found this briefcase full of Coins under his sofa. Use it to build as many Military Decorations as you can!

Goals Rewards
Goal Tire Factory Place 5 Military Decorations Complete All 3 Goals
Goal allies Fill 2 Crew Slots for Military Decorations Complete All 3 Goals
Upgrade Blueprint Build 3 Units with a Military discount greater than 15% 0000000000000008,000.

Coins-icon 8,000 Coins

Check out the Decorations Tab in the Build Menu. Use Military Decorations near Military Structures to receive discounts when building units.

Goal Line

Parks and Decoration